
Aaahh.... (contented, not a scream)

I just had a bath. I haven't had a bath in years (but I have bathed, believe it or not!). It felt absolutely great... I feel very good about not having done a whole lot today.

How do baths make you feel? Why is it that is it so relaxing to stew in your own filth?


Anonymous said...

Stew in your own filth? Um, I don't think I'm ever going to take a bath again!!!

Guido said...

blame Bran's sister for that one... she grossed me out and now the world should be grossed out with me!

Tim said...

You shower first and then fill the tub [with fresh water]... then you're clean before you soak in the warm watery goodness.

Anonymous said...

I'll be sure to pass on any negative thoughts about the "stewing in your own filth" comment to Chelsea.