

I forgot that you could see the mountains from Calgary until about the second or third day we were there, and I saw them off in the distance. Before we left yesterday, I made sure to grab a couple of shots while we were at the airport!

A free... uh... cookie, to the first person to correctly name the three aircraft types in those pictures!!

A beautiful city. It was a pleasure to visit it for a week, but I don't think I'd want to live there long-term. Especially since the rent is actually higher on average than in Rome! How's that for crazy!?


Stecki said...

> A free... uh... cookie, to the first
> person to correctly name the three
> aircraft types in those pictures!!

It's an F-14 Split-tail, Superman, and a seagull named Harry.

Guido said...

Oh... so close, E-Rock. The seagull's name is actually Simon.