
Ugh, I am man!

In my ever-reaching quest to broaden my experience, today I changed the battery in my car. I feel so manly! Ok, so it wasn't that hard, but I did get my hands nice and dirty and my car started right up after I put in the battery!


Turns out the battery wasn't the problem. The battery light was still on after I turned it on, so I thought maybe the car just needed to charge it up a little... left it running for five minutes and no luck. I brought it to my uncle's shop and asked the other mechanic, Mike, what the problem would be... he says it's probably the alternator. Great. The shop was busy today, so I brought it to a place across the street and they said they could get it done before I go to work this afternoon... thank goodness.

Oh well, the battery needed to be replaced anyways... damn car.

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