
Today's survival tip of the day

Contained within the title today is a link to a site where you shall learn how to start a fire with only a pop can and an average chocolate bar. Don't ask me how. Just click the link. It might save your life someday.

And in other news, it's almost time for me to move to my apartment... I've almost finished painting it (with help from my good friend, Katie), and will be moving when I return from a trip to Ottawa to do some training for my union. So, May 3rd is the day of moving, and if you're free I'm always open to having some help... strong back's are even more welcome, as there are a few heavy things that need to be dragged in.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new apartment, Gord! Isn't it weird - you're so adult-ish now! Whatever happened to the snow pile days? Can adults still push people in snow piles? ... something to think about, bro!

Tim said...

Yes, yes they can.

Anonymous said...

Where are you?

Guido said...

I have returned! I was in Ottawa for a week learning to be a steward...

And, Krista, you're never too old for snow piles! :)